Statements of participants
Statements of participants about the convention

I was a professor to most of these hardworking students who conceived and realized ZORH conventions.
Their common feature is that they remain in your memory after lectures and exams
people eager for knowledge, beyond what they heard about in lectures. So, students like everyone else
we want to have. So a few years ago I gladly agreed to an invitation to give a lecture from
areas of polymeric materials. Then I saw that there is will, knowledge and in these young people
skills that are not necessarily the result of college education, but have a higher education
enabled them to use their potentials successfully.
Branka Andričić

My name is Ana Mlakić and I am a fifth year student at the Faculty of Chemistry and Technology in
Split. I heard a lot of things about the ZORH project during my studies, and this year I did
decided to take an active part in it. I decided to apply primarily for the goal itself
project to connect the academic community with the economy to discuss key issues
environmental issues and achieve greater public awareness, in order to expand my existing ones
knowledge of environmental protection and meet new people. Since so far I have not participated in
project, I don’t have any funny anecdotes I could share with you, but they do
I hope, that is, I am sure that after participating in this year's project I will be richer
with one new experience.
Ana Mlakić

Hello, my name is Klara Magaš and I am a 2nd year graduate student of Chemistry
technology, Department of Environmental Protection at the Faculty of Chemistry and Technology in Split. 3 years ago
I learned about the ZORH project through senior colleagues in college and various information and interesting
clips on the basis of which I concluded that it is really worthwhile to contribute to protection in such a way
environment and enable all those who are not familiar with this issue to see how common they are
forces we can succeed in that goal. It was this thought that prompted me to get involved in my first year
as a volunteer and I am now extremely honored to have colleagues from the Organizing Committee and myself
an opportunity to continue what our colleagues have started and I hope that we will also encourage young people
to join this project which in addition to acquiring new knowledge and skills includes numerous
new acquaintances. Therefore, I invite everyone to join and gain one experience that will surely happen
leave a strong mark and open new vistas either in further education and in the world of science,
technology and industry.
Klara Magaš

By organizing the ZORH convention, our students showed their ability and courage to apply
what they learned during their studies and go a step further. I hope we are theirs, as teachers and
mentors, instilled the awareness that they can do a lot to preserve this beautiful
A country that is our only home. It is a great pleasure to have participated in this
project and I look forward to the 3rd ZORH convention.
Nataša Stipanelov Vrandečić

Hi, I am Ena Dadić, a 5th year graduate student of Environmental Protection at KTF.
I found out about the ZORH project in 2018. I was immediately thrilled with the idea of the project itself and I was
joined the project as a volunteer, and the following year I was part of the Organizing Committee, to which I did
extremely proud. I was motivated to join the project by the desire for new experiences, knowledge and
acquaintances. During various presentations, various information that was not part of the material could be heard
college which enriches each participant. Although the congress is very professional and formal, they are
students are a special part of this story, so the "informal part" that includes socializing with is nurtured
colleagues from other Universities. I am extremely glad that the tradition of ZORH continues because it is like this
gatherings can trigger changes in the burning environmental issue that affects us all. In addition to the above
always my favorite part is creativity and dedication to detail to make this congress really on
high level. I really recommend all colleagues to participate in ZORH because they will be able to
present their works and make new contacts.
Ena Dadić

Greetings to all, especially to those who are considering applying to ZORH. I'm Nikolina
Pervan and I graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry and Technology in Split in 2020.
ZORH started as an idea that students, professors, but also all those who have contact with the topic
environmental protection in our region share their work with others, and thus them
motivate them to head in the same direction.
I had the honor of being part of the first two congresses as a volunteer, but also as an organizer.
Energy, relaxation, togetherness (and food) that can be felt and seen during the encounter
are immeasurable.
The knowledge, experience and, above all, the acquaintances that ZORH gives to young people is just that
which makes it an indispensable stop in every student’s student walk.
Dear students, professors and those who have contact with the topics to be covered
during 2 days of ZORH: Sign up and light up the hearts of young people with your work or story.
Nikolina Pervan

My name is Petra Brajković and I am a 5th year student at KTF. I learned about the ZORH project 3 years ago through older colleagues at the faculty and since then I have been actively participating in all activities. I was encouraged to apply for this project by older students who in 2018 organized the first such convention and left the faculty. Their work, effort and will. They were ingenious, believe me. This convention brought me many friends and fond memories that I will remember for a long time. And I want to be like them someone who will encourage someone else to join in the future. This is an ingenious opportunity to combine work, friendship and learning. Since the aim of this convention is to connect the academic community with the economy and discuss key issues in environmental protection and stimulate public interest in environmental protection, I am extremely glad that I, along with my colleagues, are involved in this project.

Hi, my name is Franka Folo and I graduated in chemical engineering at the Faculty of Chemistry and Technology in Split. I was one of the co-founders of ZORH and I am immensely happy that the tradition of ZORH continues! ZORH started as a student initiative and the desire to educate as many people as possible on the issue of the currently burning topic - Environmental Protection. The goal is to connect students and industry and try to approach the problem as technologically as possible through professional lectures and opinion exchange panels. We received an extremely positive Feedback from all participants and with the acquired new knowledge, the most valuable are new friendships with colleagues from other faculties as well as colleagues from the world of industry and science.

Greetings I am Patricia Ćutuk, a 3rd year student of food technology at the Faculty of Chemical Technology in Split. This is my first experience with the ZORH project. It was supposed to be different, but unfortunately the corona got her fingers in it a bit. I heard about ZORH from older colleagues and there were always various announcements on the social networks of the faculty and the student body so that the information could not bypass us students. To be a part of this commendable project, I was motivated by the desire to show that our country really can and should be greener. And of course, socializing, getting to know each other and gaining new acquaintances and experiences are not out of the question.

Greetings to all, four years ago motivated KTF students, eager for new knowledge and aware that with a small step can make a significant change for a better tomorrow, launched the idea of ZORH. With the help of professors, colleagues from other faculties and good people, the ZORH convention came to life. Thanks to that, a large number of people from different institutions and beyond connected. In addition to spreading knowledge and perspectives, new projects have been launched, and lasting friendships have been formed. Today, a new team of students took over the organization and raised ZORH to a higher level, which is why I am extremely happy. I hereby invite scientists, experts in the field of environmental protection to get involved in this commendable project and be a motivation to young people. I also recommend students to respond as exhibitors, present their final and graduate theses because ZORH is the perfect opportunity to present student work in a pleasant atmosphere.

Hi, I'm Gloria. I graduated a year and a half ago from the Faculty of Chemical Technology as a first generation student of food technology. Through five years of academic education I have been active in many congresses, seminars, public gatherings and projects but one is special. One is ZORH! So much energy, so much good atmosphere, ambitious and positive young people in one place, who with their work and effort managed to make one such event. I am proud to say that I was part of that magical team. Being part of the organizing committee of ZORH helped me to make many new acquaintances, connections and contacts with colleagues and experts from the world of science, industry and technology. Through such gatherings you build your personality and learn planning, public speaking, acting and organizational skills. Today, all this experience and knowledge has helped me find a job in the profession. I am very proud that there are some new, younger, generations that will continue what we started!